
Keep peace at all cost, nothing is worth disturbing your peace.  If we practice a spritual way of life peace will flow through us.  Without peace we can not be of maximum benifit to anyone especially our selves.  The spiritual life is great to talk about and investigative but it is infinitely better when we are practicing what we are reading about. I spent many years just reading without much practicing and could talk a good game but it didn’tnhelp me or anyone else.  Once I started to practice and understand people and life I didn’t really need the big talk anymore.  One of my favorite mantras is peace, understanding, love and compassion.  This mantra transformed my way of thinking it allowed me to remember peace was my true nature and when I had a proper understanding of anything people included I could handle them with love and compassion.  When I truly understand people and situations judgement slips away and I have peace.  Life for me is about serving others while having peace and love in my heart its not always easy and I don’t always succeed but its always worth it when I do.  This doesn’t always come natural to me so I have reminders all over and I try.  I also always try to remember when I am faiking I am still learning and being guided by grace. Doing the dishes was always something I hated then when reading some Thich Nhat Hanh he spoke about doing dishes as a meditation and I tried this practice.  Doing dishes is now something that is part of my practice and keeps me in the moment.  I have used this technique for a bunch of things I never liked and it now helps me maintain my peace.  What do you do that brings you back to your antural state of peace?

Peace Love Das

Sharing Life

Well I am away for work again which is a necessary part of my job that I am grateful to have. However it gets me thinking as it normally does that life is so much better wheb it is shared sure we share a lot of negatives with each other but do we also share the joys. Sure a problem shared is a problem halfed but I have also found that a joy shared is a joy multiplied. Do you share your triumphs, your success, your passion and the gems in life that you have found?  I know when I am hiking solo and find a beautiful place I can’t wait to share it and drag my girlfriend out to experience it. To be a true family blood or otger I beilive you have to share life not just a roof.  I see it in the relationship my Aunt Paddy has with her children they share a lot together and it is obvious by the joy I see one thier faces when they get together. I can hear it now “but I have nobody to share with” I have felt that way myself in the past.  Try first by sharing a smile with somone walking by, share kife with a coworker, share your home with a pet (rescues please) just share life and if you do it enough trust me you will have peple to share it with.

What joy will you share today?

Peace Love Das

The Only Political Post I Plan On Writing

This is the only political post I ever plan on writing, not that I don’t think it matters, I do, but for the most part it just separates people. The people united can move mountains but it takes all of us. We can stand here and bitch about our differences all we want but it will do us nothing but tear us apart.  We can talk about this party and that party and who is doing the greater good.  It doesn’t really make a difference the party who wins will use their power to make themselves rich and seperate from those they are supposed to be serving unless we change overall.  The leaders of the past are few and far between no one is sacrificing for their fellow man. If we are going to see real change we need to work together and change the way we think.  There is enough for everyones needs but will never be enough for everyones greed. What if we changed the thinking that got us into this mess in the first place instead of using the same mindset that created the problems. What if we helped each other more and worried about ourselves less. What if we made sure everyone was provided for instead of waiting for them to be in a horrible enough life situation that they have to rob people so we can then bitch about gun control. What if we went after the root causes instead of the symptoms?  My solution is always spiritual and I believe the spiritual evolution of our kind can solve most of these problems.  As we see a bigger gap between the people who have their greeds meet and the ones not having their needs meet I will assure you crime will go up happiness levels will plummet and we will keep wondering when its gonna change.

Peace Love Das

Think Think Think Stop

That’s all we do sometimes and it makes us crazy. We think about what we want, what we think we need, what we have to do even though we cant do it right now, where we think we should be in life and what we think will make us happy. The thing is if we stopped all this constant thinking about this stuff we would be much happier. Sure planning is good a little bit of daydreaming is sweet but when we think to much about what we dont have or what we need it completely takes us out of the present moment. Witness something grand or do something that makes you alive in the present moment, all this thinking stops and the happiness flows in. The happiness flows in because that is our natural state.  If we practice just being in the present and stop making noise in our own head we would be much happier.  Something I have to remind myself of often.

Peace Love Das

Frame of Mind

It doesn’t matter what you are doing the the proper frame of mind will always make it easier and possibly more enjoyable.  I can hike all day and stay up half the night no problem but put in one of my 16 hour work days and I’m dragging ass all over the place.  It’s because my frame of mind is all wrong if I only found joy in my work the same way I do in hiking I would have all the energy I need. If I stay positive the daily grind no matter what it is, it’s just easier.  I try to stay away from the bitching and complaining the kind that comes out of my mouth, other people’s mouths and most of all the kind rolling around my head.  I also try to start my day with some positive music or a prayer, it is always esier for me to get the ball rolling in the right direction if I aim first.  What do you do to stay in the right frame of mind?

Peace Love Das

Another Year

Today I turned the young age of 32 and I am looking forward to a new year of living. Last year was all and all a fantastic year. I am using this time to see wear I have come from and where I am looking to go. Even if I do not know where I am going the important part to me is to keep living and keep moving forward. This past year I got to climb a couple mountains, perform a wedding ceremony or two, see a great lake, start to build a home with my girlfriend, hang out with my best friends new born son and all kinds of other stuff. It sure has been a whirlwind, not all good too many people reached the end of their journey this year for my liking but I guess their job was done and they got to go home. This life is amazing and I will continue to put my all into the experience. See you guys and gals along the journey.

Peace Love Das

Gay Marrige Legal In NJ

So yesterday it became legal for gay couple to marry in the great state of New Jersey. As a result traditional marriages were not effected at all, no mass divorce happened, hell didn’t freeze over, nothing. However people who have loved each other for a long time did start getting married which is a win win as I see it. I hear people crying “its not natural”, bullshit it is natural and not a choice. If God didn’t want gay people there would not be any, the very fact that they are here shows me that God approves. So congrats New Jersey and not just the gay people of New Jersey but all of us, its about time.

Peace Love Das