March of the Babies

As everyone was running around today getting ready for the storm that’s set to hit the northeast tomorrow, we meet up the some friends and family at the mall and the march of the babies was on.  My nephew leading the way marching here and there, not always in the right direction, but always going somewhere.  It was fun to just follow him to see what he saw, checking out everything that caught his eye. It was a good morning and reminded me that  me and my firends/family can have fun anywhere which was evident by the impromptu dance party that happened in sears. Hey it was a catchy tune and you can’t deny our dance moves even though others probably thought we were having a seizure.  Hope you had a good start to your Sunday and it gets better and better.

Peace Love Das


Today was a good food day and a good all around mental health day. The snow was falling here changing over to rain mid morning, a good day to stay inside and relax. Mid way through the day I decided to make some black beans and kale, it was nice to take the time to cook and add all the spices. While I am not the worst cook in the world I usually leave the cooking up to the little lady as her skills are far better than mine. I had the kale and beans for lunch and she made a nice dinner which lead to some tea.  I feel great getting into bed tonight. I try to eat healthy most days but the convineince of crap food ropes me in sometimes. If you really think about it, it is amazing the amount of food that is sold that doesn’t begin to come close to real food. I think about how much time in family life used to be devoted to cooking and how that time is spent working longer hours and eating microwaved food now. When I take the time to sit down to a meal I try to say a prayer and think about all the things that went into preparing that meal.  The farmer who grew the food, the truck driver who got it to the store, the hours I worked to pay for it, the time that went into preparing it and everything in between. When I take the time to do that I am not only more connected to what I am eating and then more wisely about what I will do with the energy I gain from the food but I am more grateful.  It’s easy to take things like this for granted but I try to remember there is a great many people to don’t have regular access to a consistent food supply.  I hope you get to eat for life and help today with the ones you love.

Peace Love Das

Baby On The Way

So in a few short weeks I will become a father, yes that’s right a small bundle of joy will be brought into this world in mid February.  Needless to say I am super excited, I have never had so much love for someone I have never meet before my heart grows everyday for the little guy and my girlfriend  who has been a real trooper through the whole pregnancy.  I’m sure it’s going to be a little crazy but I’m not too bad with kids and the little lady is pretty amazing at it. I will look to keep working on my sprituality which I am sure is going to be a challenge with a new baby and time constraints but I also have been amazed by children many times and how much they can teach us especially before they pick up too much stuff from us. We’ll I am sure we will talk along the way on this long journey hope all is well with all of you.

Peace Love Das

2015 Best Wishes

Happy New Year to all!  Hope it started off well for everyone.  I am passing on the traditional new years resolution  as I do most years. I will try to instead just make the best decisions I can on any give day.  Try to be a little bit nicer to those around me, take a little more time to breathe and cherish all I have around me. Hope you all have a fantastic year and our paths cross along the way.

Peace Love Das